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    Welcome To Baoding Kuoda Lifting Machinery Co.Ltd. English|中文

    Services and components

    Services are not goods:

    For some suppliers with lower labor rates, you are only their source of maintenance revenue. Therefore, service cannot be judged from only one aspect. Low hourly rates are misleading.

    Being able to use the right components to fix the device on the first call is more likely to show cost savings. Other important factors contributing to cost reduction include responsiveness, component availability, factory warranty, and relationships with forklift manufacturers.

    Consumption frequency

    The more frequently parts are replaced, the higher the cost. The cost of replacement parts and hours of labor add up quickly. Every customer who knows a forklift has probably discovered the secret to the greatest component cost savings. & ndash; Stop buying parts in bulk.

    When you compare and calculate the differences, you can find the savings. You will also find that no similar parts on the market offer the same performance and longer life span as your own integrated forklift components.

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