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    Welcome To Baoding Kuoda Lifting Machinery Co.Ltd. English|中文

    semi-electric pallet truck

    The Power Pallet Truck offers a huge advantage over hand pallet truck with its quick and effortiess loading and transporting featuresthe compact design with easy move in the most confined space and narrow aisle such as in retail storessmall warehouses and factories.

    lift your productivity

    fast,smooth and stable in all conditions,combined with large battery capacities and sideways battery change, power pallet truck will lift your productivity,saving time and driving dowm costs.

    compact and manoeuvrable

    The first thing you will notice our power pallet truck is how compact it is.Its short body length means it needs less space in which to turn,so you will spend less time manoeuvring.

    smooth and easy,But powful

    The CBD series power pallet truck incorporates the powerdrive system ,ensuring smooth ,prog-ressive control at all times. The tiller arm is easy and comfortable to use,with fingertip lift and lower buttons,and simple forward/reverse control.

    Product features

    long operating times through a high effiency factor.
    more safety through enclosed truck contours.
    simple operation through the multi-function handle.
    compact construction for high manoeuvrability
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